Financial Clearance
Financial Clearance is the last and final step in the registration process. Financial clearance is a term used to verify that a student will be attending classes for which he/she has registered in a given semester and that all financial obligations associated with the registration have been settled. Failure to complete the financial clearance process will result in the cancellation of the student’s class schedule and/or housing and meal plan assignments.
How to Obtain Financial Clearance
- Review your Course and Fee Statement on the ‘My Account Info’ section of the Student Portal. (> ‘My Account Info’> ‘Course and Fee Statement’ > ‘Generate My Course and Fee Statement’> ‘View My Course and Fee Statement’. Ensure that you are charged for all classes that you are registered for, and if you are on-campus, you have a meal plan and housing charge. (If you do not see a meal plan or housing charge, you have NOT been assigned housing and will need to follow up with Residence Life for an assignment.)
- After verifying your charges, if you have a CREDIT balance (which will be noted as a negative number beside the BALANCE field) you will be considered financially cleared for the items you have been charged for. Please print your financial clearance and keep for your records. Any changes made after you are financially cleared (i.e number of hours, housing and/or meal plan) may result in a change in charges and may affect your financial clearance status.
- If you do NOT have a Zero balance or CREDIT balance, you will need to establish a payment plan or pay in full to be considered financially cleared.
- To establish your payment plan, you will need to pay off any prior outstanding balance and/or fines. View your fees/fines by clicking HERE.
- Please complete the PAYMENT PLAN INSTALLMENT AGREEMENT (under Pay Using CASHNet). You will be redirected to CASHNET to make your payment.
- Students with balances must make their required down payment as well as electronically sign the Payment Plan Installment Agreement (located under the Pay Using CashNet option) before the Student Account Office can review the student for financial clearance eligibility.
- Students with balances will be able to print their financial clearance once Student Accounts has verified full payment or a properly executed payment plan has been received.
Student Bill Generation
Students may access their student account information using the website. The Online Course and Fee Statement indicates charges for the upcoming semester, unapplied financial aid if awarded and the prior account balance, if applicable. Charges to the account will appear as a debit and payments as a credit. Each semester, a statement is generated to assist students and parents prepare for any outstanding financial balance for the upcoming semester. Please note it is the student’s responsibility to monitor and view their account regularly online through Johnson C. Smith University is a non-billing facility; therefore bills during the semester are available online and not mailed.
Parents or students having questions pertaining to the financial aid awards posted on the statements are advised to contact the Office of Financial Aid. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the Student Account Office cannot respond to inquiries regarding student accounts without the written consent of the student.
Financial Aid and Your Billing Statement
Financial aid that has been awarded to the student appears as in the credit column of the initial billing statement as preliminary aid. This means that preliminary aid is subject to change based on changes to the student’s enrollment, eligibility and failure to complete all requirements set forth by the Financial Aid office.
If a student does not have enough financial aid or other funding to cover all costs, the student is able to establish a payment plan.
NOTE: Outside scholarships (scholarships not awarded by JCSU) will not be viewable on your student account until the payment is received by the University.
NOTE: Federal Work Study Awards will NOT be reflective on your billing statement. The Federal Work Study Program is a form of Financial Aid which provides students part-time employment. If a student is set up on a payment plan and is a Federal Work Study recipient, he/she may choose to apply the monthly work study earnings to their student account balance. The student would be responsible for applying the earnings to their accounts with the University Cashier. Work-Study earnings will not be pre-deducted as a credit to the student’s account to complete the financial clearance process.
JCSU Installment Payment Plan
Johnson C. Smith University allows students to pay your balance due in installments. Payment plans can be established for up to $3500 per semester. All outstanding balances for a semester require a down payment at the time of financial clearance.
After reviewing your Course and Fee Statement for the semester, students can view the required down payment and future required payments and payment due dates for the semester by viewing/enrolling in the Payment Plan (located under the Pay Using CashNet).