
Course Information

Contemporary African PoliticsContemporary African Politics (POL 235)

Term: 2014 - 2015 Fall


Terza Silva Lima-NevesShow MyInfo popup for Terza Silva Lima-Neves
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Tue-Thu, 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM (8/21/2014 - 12/13/2014) Location: MAIN MCH 206


POL 235- Contemporary African Politics. Three Credit Hours

Contemporary African Politics: This course provides an overview of
African politics in historical context, synthesizing material from traditional
Comparative and area studies that examine democratization, economic
Comparative and area studies that examine democratization, economic
Development, and identity politics. This course also examines Africa?s position
in a broader international framework by addressing conflict, political economy.
And the processes of state division and integration. This course is three credit
Hours and will be offered as an elective in alternate years. This course also
Requires no prerequisites.